The Science of Deduction

After dinner, we retired to Peridot’s study. He poured himself a glass of wine, offered me one, and patiently reviewed the facts from our previous visit to Mumbai. Peridot had noticed my haste during our identification session with our client, Mr. Kaniyar.

In his best professor voice, he calmly began,

“As a devoted educator, you have a strong interest in Gemology – the study of gemstones – which has become your lifelong interest. This fascination has also led you to observe others and recognize the value of the science of deduction. Young Adamas, yes, improving your skills through activities such as reading, studying, observing, writing, and engaging in conversations with others is important.

However, as you may have noticed throughout your young career, some see gemology as a pseudoscience. It is not, here’s why:

  1. Gemology is firmly rooted in established scientific disciplines like geology, mineralogy, chemistry, and physics. It uses the principles and methods of these sciences to understand and analyze gemstones.
  2. Rigorous Methodology: Gemologists employ well-defined techniques and instruments to identify and evaluate gemstones. These techniques involve measuring properties like refractive index, density, and spectral signature, all based on scientific principles.
  3. Peer-Reviewed Research: The field of gemology has established institutions and publications with peer-reviewed research on gemstone properties, treatments, and identification methods.
  4. Practical Applications: Gemology plays a vital role in the jewelry industry, ensuring the authenticity and value of gemstones for consumers. It also contributes to geological research by understanding the formation and origin of gemstones.

While some aspects of the gem trade might involve aesthetics and personal preferences, gemology's core principles are firmly grounded in scientific methods and knowledge.

On the other hand, while not a formal scientific discipline, the science of deduction refers to a structured approach to reasoning and reaching conclusions based on evidence and established principles. It's about taking the available information, analyzing it logically, and arriving at the most likely explanation.

Deduction relies heavily on logic. We identify clear premises (observations or facts) and use well-defined rules of inference to draw conclusions that necessarily follow from those premises. It involves systematically dissecting the available information. This includes identifying relevant details, recognizing patterns, and eliminating possibilities contradicting the evidence.

Deduction is a critical thinking tool. It encourages us to question assumptions, evaluate the strength of evidence, and consider alternative explanations before concluding.

Deduction is the synthesis of observation, art, and science. However, you must never simply rely on general impressions, my boy, but concentrate on the details. A skillful analyst is very careful indeed what he allows into the deep reaches of his mind. So, it is with the science of deduction to eliminate all unnecessary data. Expertise in one's field comes from studying only the essential information related to the profession.

Let’s take this common example:

It's raining heavily outside, and you hear a loud crash followed by a power outage.

Deduction: The loud crash could be thunder (supports the raining observation). The power outage often follows lighting and thunder during storms (established principle). Therefore, the most likely explanation for the power outage is a fallen tree on a power line from the thunderstorm.

However, it's important to remember that deduction can only work within the boundaries of existing knowledge and evidence. If crucial information is missing, the conclusions might be flawed. Sometimes, multiple explanations fit the evidence. In such cases, we need to gather more information or consider the likelihood of each scenario.

Overall, deduction is a powerful tool for reasoning and problem-solving. It helps us navigate complex situations, make informed decisions, and uncover hidden truths using logic and critical analysis of evidence.”

“So, what you’re saying, Peridot, is I’ve just begun a fascinating lifelong journey as your apprentice.”

“Yes, if you so choose to do so.”

To be continued . . . 


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